
The Hardest Xbox 360 Role Playing Games of the Last Decade


Starting with the easiest of the most difficult games is that of Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was a very interesting game, in fact it was one of my very first RPG games I ever played. It definitely deserved its Game of the year award and provides hours upon hours of gameplay. I think this game deserves its spot on my list of hardest RPG’s because its gradual difficulty made the game start off remotely easy and progress to an extreme amount of difficulty! For only $8 I say it’s a steal, definitely a must have for anyone who loves RPG’s on their Xbox 360:

At number three we have Fable III. Fable III was a very interesting game to me, it was a little rough around the edges, but in the end gets the Bronze medal. It’s definitely the game to get if you are someone who is watching their budget. This game will keep you very entertained and has many hours of gameplay packed in it.

A great game that just didn’t quite get the gold would have to be Mass Effect 3. For all you ME3 fans out there I agree: The ending was horrible. There is no arguing that. After playing all the Mass Effect games I have come to the conclusion that the third was the best, but it was also the hardest! It only deserves the Silver medal here because of it’s ending that ruined the entire Trilogy. For $48…it’s not really worth it, I would wait for the price to drop to about $30 and then buy it, but it is definitely a very hard, and fun game. Surely, Mass Effect 3 is as fun as Poker online site games. The reason why a lot of players love this game is because it really challenges them. This game is one of the best but it is also one of the hardest. The eagerness to win drives gamers to continuously play this awesome game.

The most difficult Role playing game of the last decade is that of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Warning: If you buy this game you are basically trading your life, you will become so incredibly addicted to this game you won’t ever do anything but play it. Skyrim is an amazing example of what Games for Xbox have progressed to, if only every game could be this good! The newest Kinect update for Skyrim just makes the game even better. I’ve found that yelling the phrase “Fus ro da” at my TV is very entertaining! This game is definitely the hardest RPG I have ever played. Fighting off dragons and wild animals gets your adrenaline pumping, and has you trying to think ahead on how to conquer the next foe who challenges you. For $55 this game will probably turn you into a literal couch potato, but it is so rewarding and intense that you will definitely get your money’s worth!

About the author / 


Matthew Noyola is a colorful adult trying to establish himself as an eSports writer. He also wishes to participate in a global poker tournament.

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