
Poker Bankroll Management


Your bankroll should be the most important aspect of your poker game and strategy. If you’re playing for real money, then you’ve got absolutely no game without a proper bankroll. Continue reading to discover how to make your bankroll last you, and build it at the same time. Besides following these tips you can try to learn more about the ways that you can try for managing your poker bankroll effectively. 

The very first step to success is realizing that poker money is exactly that; poker money. It should be money that you can afford to lose and not money that you should be paying the bills with. Just keep this in the back of your head – poker money should be cash that you can accept to possibly losing. If you find yourself scared to lose money, then perhaps don’t play with as much, or maybe don’t play at all. Being a scared player only entices your opponents to attack you, as it tends to be an extremely vulnerable poker tell. Your opponents will somehow find a way to place a raise just simply beyond your mental limits, just because they know you’ll fold, and the sad part is you most likely wouldn’t think twice about the strength of your hand because you’ve set a limit to how much money you want to play with or risk losing.

In addition to what I’ve mentioned above, you want to be sure the limits you’re playing are in compliance with your bankroll. For instance – if you’ve got a $2,000 bankroll, then you shouldn’t be playing 3/6 NL where the average buy-in is $600. That only leaves you with 3 buy-ins. Those aren’t healthy odds that’ll help you become a winning player. Because bad runs come along, and when they do, you’ll be out of the game quickly. With a $2,000 bankroll, I’d recommend playing 1/2 NL with a buy-in of $100-$200. You always want to have at least 10-20 buy-ins within your roll. Preferably 20.

If you don’t have a large amount of cash to start playing with, then I highly recommend taking advantage of one or more of the many online poker bonuses available. This will allow you to receive matching deposit bonuses that are released in increments. This help builds a slow, but steady bankroll. If you deposit at the right time, some sites are as generous to give out 200%, 300%, even 400% matching deposit bonuses. Another solid way to build a bankroll (starting from complete scratch) is to play online freerolls. They are free to join and can get you headed in the right direction when you place in the money.

Remember to play at limits that suit your finances. You never want to play with money you can’t afford to lose. As always, good luck at the tables!

About the author / 


Matthew Noyola is a colorful adult trying to establish himself as an eSports writer. He also wishes to participate in a global poker tournament.

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