
FAQ for Happy Harvest Users


This is a FAQ guide for Happy Harvest users. In this guide, I will answer questions like how to view your friend’s list, how to view your gifts, what are daily gifts, and more. You can follow along with me by opening Happy Harvest. If you are new to using Happy Harvest, this FAQ guide should help you some.

How Do I View My Friend’s List in Happy Harvest?

Your friend’s list in Happy Harvest is a bit hidden. At the top of your game, in the right corner, you will see a buddy icon. If you click this icon, your friend’s list will open. Once the list opens, you can sort your friends by experience, coins, or charm. You will see the three options in the top of the box for sorting your friends. When you are finished viewing the list, you can close the friend’s list by clicking the X at the top of the box.

How Do I See Gifts I Have Received from Friends?

To see the gifts your friends have sent you, you will need to click the gift box. The gift box is the yellow one right under your coins at the top of your game. You can click this box and when it opens, you will see the gifts you have received.

What are Daily Gifts in Happy Harvest?

At the top of your game, below your default photo, you will see the glowing gift box. Inside this box is your daily gift. You can click the box and a window will open. In the window, you will see what your daily gift is. To accept it, click the OK button. The gift box will then disappear and you will have to wait until tomorrow to get another one. The daily gifts normally consist of seeds.

How Do I Zoom In and Out of My Farm?

Zooming in and out of your game is a bit tricky in Happy Harvest. You can zoom in one time and zoom out one time. At the bottom of your game, in the right corner, you will see a zoom icon. Click it one time to zoom in and click it one time to zoom out. That is all the zooming you can do in this game.

How Can I Change the Messages That My Friends See?

To change the messages that your friends see when they visit your farm, you will need to click User Settings at the top of your game. When the page reloads, you will see the different options for changing your messages. You can change a message and click the Confirm button to save it.

The harvest season is a game that gives you the vibes of Pkv QQ games and is similar to candy crush saga in looks and levels but overall, is a pretty enjoyable experience where you get to do many things that Facebook would never allow.

About the author / 


Matthew Noyola is a colorful adult trying to establish himself as an eSports writer. He also wishes to participate in a global poker tournament.

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